Documents & Guides

Explore a variety of topics about marine spills, response and compensation matters in the pages below.

Each topic and area of interest provides access to more detailed documentation that is freely downloadable.

This includes our 18 Technical Information Papers which are fully illustrated with photos and diagrams and are available in several languages. 

Alternative Fuels

What are the emerging alternative fuels and their associated risks, hazards, damages and liabilities?

Compensation for Ship-source Marine Oil Spills

What legal arrangements and sources of compensation are available for a spill from a ship?


What planning and waste management systems need to be put in place to reduce the volume of oily waste for treatment or disposal?

Environmental Effects

How does oil impact seabirds, plankton, sea mammals and the shoreline?  


What are the specific chemical response strategies for responding to a Hazardous and Noxious Substance spill, and what are the potential effects on human and marine life? 

Contingency & Response Planning

What information is needed for an effective oil spill contingency plan? How can aerial observation and protective strategies assist with response operations? 

Economic Effects

Which industries might suffer temporary economic losses and loss of market confidence?

Fate of Oil Spills

What happens to oil in the marine environment over time when spilled at sea? How do different factors such as volume and physical and chemical properties affect the fate of oil spills? 

Response Techniques

What techniques are available for cleaning up oil at sea and on the shoreline?

Explore the Resources

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08 油类泄漏应对措施中的吸附剂材料应用

08 油类泄漏应对措施中的吸附剂材料应用

本文讨论可以使用的吸油物类型及在应对措施中可以如何有益地使用。本文应与本系列的其 它 ITOPF 论文一起阅读,尤其是关于浮木档栅应用、撇浮装置应用、海岸线清理技术及油类 和残片弃置的部分。

Categories: Response Techniques, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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07 海岸线油类清理

07 海岸线油类清理

本篇白皮书介绍常用的海岸线清理方法,并针对各种不同海岸线就哪些方法最合适作 业的每个阶段提供建议。


Categories: Response Techniques, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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06 海岸线油类识别

06 海岸线油类识别

如果是大规模泄漏,搁浅的油类的来源可能很明显,但在涉及的油量很少且要就损害或清理 成本寻求赔偿时,经常会出现认定问题。本篇论文旨在帮助读者认定不同海岸线上的油的类 型和数量。

Categories: Response Techniques, Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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05 油类污染应对措施中的撇浮装置应用

05 油类污染应对措施中的撇浮装置应用

本篇论文介绍了在油类泄漏期间最有可能遇到的情况中成功使用撇浮装置的基本要求, 应将本篇论文与本系列中的其他国际油轮船东污染组织 (ITOPF) 论文结合起来阅读, 尤其是关于栅栏使用、海岸线清理方法和油类处置的论文。

Categories: Response Techniques, Containment & Recovery, Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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04 使用分散剂处理油类泄漏

04 使用分散剂处理油类泄漏

本篇论文概述了如何对浮油使用消散剂以及具体的使用限制,使用消散剂是漏油源为船只的 海上油类泄漏事件的诸多可选应对方案中的一种。

Categories: Response Techniques, Dispersants, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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03 油类污染应对措施中的栅栏应用

03 油类污染应对措施中的栅栏应用

本篇论文介绍了栅栏设计的原理以及两种主要的操作模式,即在海上采取用船只拖拽的做法、 在浅水或近海海域则采取下锚的做法。


Categories: Response Techniques, Containment & Recovery, Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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02 海洋泄漏油类的最终归属

02 海洋泄漏油类的最终归属

本篇论文介绍了作用于所泄漏油类的各种自然过程的综合效果,这些自然过程 统称为“风化”。决定油类是否有可能在海洋环境中持久存留的因素将与应对 作业的影响一起考虑。所泄漏的油类在海洋环境中的最终归属对应对工作的所 有方面都有重要影响,鉴于此,应将本篇论文与此系列的技术资料论文结合起 来阅读。

Categories: Fate of Oil Spills, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)

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