Contingency & Response Planning

Careful planning is essential to effectively prepare for oil spills. Developing a strategy and an operational plan before the event will result in a far more efficient and considered response.
The process of producing a contingency plan identifies roles and responsibilities, priorities for protection, effective response strategies and operational procedures without the added pressure of a real spill incident. A well exercised contingency plan promotes trained and practised personnel, and maximises the preparedness of the organisations and individuals involved in a response.
Once a response to an oil spill has been initiated, continuous planning remains an important process to guide operations and monitor their effectiveness. It ensures that response techniques are adaptive to reflect changing circumstances inherent to the nature of marine oil spills. Aerial surveillance is an important element of planning during a response, and can establish the scale and nature of an incident at an early stage. Once a response is underway, aerial surveillance can be used to guide, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of operations.
Explore Documents on Contingency & Response Planning
01 海洋油类泄漏的空中观察
Categories: Fate of Oil Spills, Response Techniques, Planning & operations, Spill Response, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)
03 油类污染应对措施中的栅栏应用
本篇论文介绍了栅栏设计的原理以及两种主要的操作模式,即在海上采取用船只拖拽的做法、 在浅水或近海海域则采取下锚的做法。
Categories: Response Techniques, Containment & Recovery, Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)
05 油类污染应对措施中的撇浮装置应用
本篇论文介绍了在油类泄漏期间最有可能遇到的情况中成功使用撇浮装置的基本要求, 应将本篇论文与本系列中的其他国际油轮船东污染组织 (ITOPF) 论文结合起来阅读, 尤其是关于栅栏使用、海岸线清理方法和油类处置的论文。
Categories: Response Techniques, Containment & Recovery, Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)
06 海岸线油类识别
如果是大规模泄漏,搁浅的油类的来源可能很明显,但在涉及的油量很少且要就损害或清理 成本寻求赔偿时,经常会出现认定问题。本篇论文旨在帮助读者认定不同海岸线上的油的类 型和数量。
Categories: Response Techniques, Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)
09 油类和残片的弃置
Categories: Planning & operations, Disposal, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)
10 油类泄漏事故处理的领导、指挥和管理
本文将对船源性污染的应对工作中遇到的很多情况进行讨论,并说明有效的领导、 指挥和管理可以如何最大化应对行动的成功。本文涉及的很多主题在本系列的 其它 ITOPF 文章(见封底)中进行了更为详细的讨论,且主要集中在关于海洋 油类泄漏的应急计划的论文中。
Categories: Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)
14 海洋油类泄漏的采样和监视
本文广泛地介绍了可用于对油类污染进行定性和定量监视的监视和采样程序。 定性分析可以确认油类污染的来源,而监视计划通常关注的是碳氢物水平长期 的数量变化。本文将就最佳分析做法提供指导,并介绍常用术语。不过,监视 特定生态或生物影响及监视空气中污染物所需的技术和观察工作不在本文的讨 论范围之列。
Categories: Environmental effects, Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)
16 海洋油类泄漏的应急计划
本技术资料论文将概略介绍应对源自船舶的泄漏事故的应变计划的典型格式和内容, 并重点说明有效计划所需的关键步骤。
Categories: Planning & operations, Technical Information Paper (TIPS)