About the Company Library
ITOPF has built up an extensive library over the past 40 years to support its activities and ensure that we keep up to date with research and developments in the field.
The library contains over 15,000 books, articles, conference papers and reports on marine pollution and related topics.
It is open to students and other outside visitors for reference purposes by appointment.
Opening hours: 9:30 to 4.30, Monday to Thursday, by appointment.
Subjects covered by the library include:
- Liability and compensation
- Contingency planning
- Fate & effects of oil
- Hazardous & Noxious Substances
- Clean-up operations & techniques
- Environmental impact of oil spills
- Case histories
- Statistics
Photocopying facilities are available but we regret that items cannot be borrowed from the library. Photocopying is subject to copyright restrictions.
Company Library
If you would like to make an appointment to visit the ITOPF library, please contact Deborah McKendrick