Angela Pinzón

Senior Technical Adviser

Angela Pinzón

Angela joined ITOPF as a Technical Adviser in 2019. She is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC) and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Angela holds an MSc in Chemistry and a PhD in Environmental Sciences.

Angela has responded to oil spills across the Americas and Europe and provided advice on complex incidents involving highly sensitive ecosystems, including mangroves and Arctic environments. She leads the Waste Management working group, is a member of the HNS working group, and has conducted training workshops worldwide. Angela has a particular interest in the importance of intercultural communication in achieving effective leadership and successful incident management.

Prior to joining ITOPF, Angela worked on projects focused on detoxifying oil refining effluents and exploring chemical diversity in marine organisms. Her experience also includes contributing to coral population recovery in the Caribbean as a park ranger and providing scientific translation services.

Currently, Angela is seconded to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as a Technical Expert. Earlier this year, she was selected for the Emerging Leaders Programme during the International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) held in New Orleans, US.


English (Fluent)

Spanish (Native)

ITOPF Working Groups

Angela is a member of the HNS Working Group and the Waste Management Working Group.

Published papers

Pinzón-Espinosa, A. 2023. Lecciones aprendidas del derrame de petróleo en el Perú en 2022: el rol de la planeación y la cultura en una gestión efectiva. País de Mares (14), pp 28 - 33.

Pinzón-Espinosa, A.; Collins, T.J.; Kanda, R. 2021. Detoxification of oil refining effluents by oxidation of naphthenic acids using TAML catalysts. Science of the Total Environment (784): 147148

Pinzón-Espinosa, A., Kanda, R. 2020. Naphthenic acids are key contributors to toxicity of heavy oil refining effluents. Science of the Total Environment (729): 138119.

Pinzón-Espinosa, A.; Kanda, R. 2018. Unravelling the chemistry behind the toxic effects of refining wastewater: Characterization and remediation. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting on Environmental Toxicology and Biological Systems, London, UK, 4-5 October 2018.

Pinzón-Espinosa, A.; Martínez-Matamoros, D.; Castellanos, L.; Duque, C.; Rodríguez, J.; Jiménez, C.; Ramos, F. 2017. Cereusitin A, a cyclic tetrapeptide from a Bacillus cereus strain isolated from the soft coral Antillogorgia (syn. Pseudopterogorgia) elisabethae. Tetrahedron Letters, 58(7), pp 634 – 637.