Members / Associates
Over the past half a century our technical staff have provided objective advice in relation to 850 ship-sourced marine spills in 100 countries.
Being a Member or Associate gives you access to our services anywhere around the world.
Our first-hand experience allows us to offer additional services in the fields of damage assessment, contingency planning, training and information, often at no charge for our staff time to Members and Associates.
As at February 2024, Membership stood at 463million GT, comprising 8,400 shipowners who together own or operate around 14,000 tank vessels. Shipowners having Associate status stood at 957 million GT and are entered en-bloc via their P&I insurers for ease of administration.
CSR Statement
Members/Associates may wish to use the following Corporate Social Responsibility statement:
Transporting oil and cargo by sea to meet the needs of society involves some risk. We operate our ships to the highest environmental standards but accidents, by their nature, are unpredictable. However, if an accident does occur, we are Members/Associates of ITOPF Ltd, the world's leading technical advisers on oil and chemical spills in the marine environment. They operate on a not-for-profit basis and have Observer status with IMO and the IOPC Funds. In the case of an incident involving one of our ships they will provide, objective technical advice to assist those affected by the incident, free of charge.