Documents & Guides

Explore a variety of topics about marine spills, response and compensation matters in the pages below.

Each topic and area of interest provides access to more detailed documentation that is freely downloadable.

This includes our 18 Technical Information Papers which are fully illustrated with photos and diagrams and are available in several languages. 

Compensation for Ship-source Marine Oil Spills

What legal arrangements and sources of compensation are available for a spill from a ship?


What planning and waste management systems need to be put in place to reduce the volume of oily waste for treatment or disposal?

Environmental Effects

How does oil impact seabirds, plankton, sea mammals and the shoreline?  


What are the specific chemical response strategies for responding to a Hazardous and Noxious Substance spill, and what are the potential effects on human and marine life? 

Contingency & Response Planning

What information is needed for an effective oil spill contingency plan? How can aerial observation and protective strategies assist with response operations? 

Economic Effects

Which industries might suffer temporary economic losses and loss of market confidence?

Fate of Oil Spills

What happens to oil in the marine environment over time when spilled at sea? How do different factors such as volume and physical and chemical properties affect the fate of oil spills? 

Response Techniques

What techniques are available for cleaning up oil at sea and on the shoreline?

Explore the Resources

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Nurdles - one container, a billion problems (2022) - extended abstract

Nurdles - one container, a billion problems (2022) - extended abstract

To supply the global demand for plastic, significant quantities of pre-production plastic pellets are transported by sea in containers. Plastic pellets, or nurdles, are lentil-sized (typically < 5mm) pre-production raw materials used to fashion almost all day-to-day plastic items. Recent analysis estimates estimated around 230,000 tonnes of nurdles are lost to the environment annually.

Categories: Response Techniques, Planning & operations, Papers

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Liability and compensation for ship-source oil pollution in the marine environment. An overview (2021)

Liability and compensation for ship-source oil pollution in the marine environment. An overview (2021)

This booklet, written together with the International Group of P&I Clubs and the IOPC Funds, provides an overview of the international, and selected national, arrangements in place for compensation of costs arising from pollution damage caused by oil spills from ships in the marine environment, and some background on ‘who pays’.

Categories: Compensation, Papers

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To carry or not to carry? Onboard spill response equipment - Is it practicable? (2021)

To carry or not to carry? Onboard spill response equipment - Is it practicable? (2021)

The question as to whether oil tankers should carry oil spill response equipment onboard has been the subject of debate for many years. This paper focuses on the carriage and deployment of pollution response equipment from oil tankers. Nonetheless, many of the factors discussed can apply equally to the carriage of such equipment on the myriad other types of vessels trading commercially.

Categories: Response Techniques, Planning & operations, Papers

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The pollution risk from mega boxships (2019)

The pollution risk from mega boxships (2019)

A mega box ship has an environmental risk commensurate with its size. Following an incident, the pollution response would need to match.

Categories: Planning & operations, Papers

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Recent marine ship source spills (2018)

Recent marine ship source spills (2018)

This presentation will explore some trends from these recent incidents and focus on a few key case studies (including the LADY TUNA incident in Turkey and AGIA ZONI II in Greece) to consider the main technical challenges and lessons learned.

Category: Papers

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Environmental damage compensation in China following ship-source oil spills (2018)

Environmental damage compensation in China following ship-source oil spills (2018)

This paper introduces the types of environmental damage claims typically presented following a substantial oil spill in China, and the basis for these damage claims. By discussing how these claims were quantified and eventually settled, this paper aims to illustrate how environmental damage has been interpreted in China, and how the concept has evolved over the years. This paper highlights a number of recent changes in legislation which can be expected to lead future discussion on environmental damage compensation into uncharted waters.

Categories: Compensation, Papers

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Droning on: A review of UAV use in recent spills attended by ITOPF and considerations for the future (2018)

Droning on: A review of UAV use in recent spills attended by ITOPF and considerations for the future (2018)

This paper discusses the considerations for the use of UAVs at future oil spill incidents, based on its experience with other parties who have used the technology on site over a three year period, November 2014 to November 2017.

Categories: Planning & operations, Papers

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Environmental damage: Changing perceptions and future outlook (2018)

Environmental damage: Changing perceptions and future outlook (2018)

Over the last fifty years, increased global awareness of environmental issues has led to growing recognition of environmental stewardship as an essential component of economic development.

Categories: Environmental effects, Papers

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To remove or not to remove? Dealing with pollution risks from ship wrecks (2017)

To remove or not to remove? Dealing with pollution risks from ship wrecks (2017)

Based on ITOPF’s extensive experience providing advice on pollution mitigation and environmental risks posed by wrecks, this paper examines recent issues in the treatment of

wrecks. The authors highlight some key concerns regarding the equitable treatment of wrecks and argue that a more rigorous, technically-based decision making process be adopted and

promoted to ensure clarity and consistency for all parties.

Categories: Planning & operations, Papers

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The International law regarding ship-source pollution liability and compensation: Evolution and current challenges (2017)

The International law regarding ship-source pollution liability and compensation: Evolution and current challenges (2017)

This paper looks at the history and evolution of the international law regarding

ship-source pollution liability and compensation, established and strengthened over the last

50 years into what is today considered as a comprehensive and uniform regime. The

principles that underpin this regime are the result of compromises between States and industry, lessons learned from past incidents and have been adhered to by the vast majority of

countries in the world, denoting the success of the regime.

Categories: Compensation, Papers

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