Implementation of oil spill mitigation measures in fisheries and mariculture (2017)
21 September 2017

Paper presented by Nicky Cariglia
International Oil Spill Conference 2017, Long Beach, California, 15-18 May 2017
Response actions and mitigation measures, undertaken at the time of a spill specifically to protect seafood resources can ultimately influence the duration, magnitude and extent of impacts. Understanding if and why particular measures were successful (or not) in minimising or eliminating damages to a particular fishery or mariculture installation is important for the seafood sector to use, either in planning, or when faced with making a choice as to what measures may be best to protect their resource. This paper reviews smallscale (in terms of volume spilled) cases in which ITOPF has been involved from around the world where fisheries or mariculture were an important concern and where measures were implemented specifically to mitigate damage. By evaluating whether any trends, or criteria exist under which certain measures or actions are likely to be successful or unsuccessful, contingency plans can be adapted to provide more practical, tailored guidance. Furthermore, policy and research objectives could be directed towards damage prevention rather than the quantification, assessment and remediation of impacts.
Categories: Economic effects, Papers