The adaptation of mariculture practices in response to spilled oil (1999)
23 May 2014

Tim Wadsworth, Dr Brian Dicks and Clément Lavigne
Paper presented at The International Oil Spill Conference 1999, 7-12 March 1999, Seattle, USA
Oil spills may contaminate both mariculture facilities and livestock. Prevention of oiling should therefore be afforded a high priority. Given appropriate conditions, this may be achieved by the traditional spill response measures. However, a number of self-help response options are open to mariculturalists, that may avoid or limit the effects of spilled oil. These include the relocation of cages, transfer of stock, and early harvest, although such measures are only likely to be successful if a well-prepared contingency plan exists. The advantages and drawbacks of each of these approaches in the context of oil spill response are discussed.
Categories: Response Techniques, Environmental effects, Papers