Work experience

We are keen to support students at different stages in their studies to experience working life, understand more about the different roles and career opportunities we have at ITOPF and perhaps help you to shape your plans for future studies or career path.
Our work experience placements are particularly well suited to those with an interest in fields such as: STEM Sciences (perhaps Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Sciences), Marine Pollution and Conservation, Geography (GIS/Mapping), as well as general business operations. Typically, placements will be for one or two weeks and involve spending some time with colleagues across our organisation so that you can have the broadest experience possible of ITOPF and the roles we have. Our work experience placements are unpaid, (though we can contribute to travel expenses) and will primarily involve meeting with and shadowing colleagues at ITOPF, though we may also be able to provide some project work as part of the overall experience.
As a small organisation we are limited by the number of work experience placements we can offer each year and in order to help ensure we can provide the fullest experience we ask that applications for work experience are made by 31st March for placements across the summer period. We will try and work with your preferred dates but this may not always be possible.
The application window for Work Experience placements will open on 1st January and close on 31st March.
To submit an application please send a copy of your CV along with a cover letter explaining:
- Areas of particular interest to you
- At what point in your studies you are e.g Year 10, Year 12, undergraduate student, post graduate student
- What you would hope to gain from the work experience
- Your ideal dates for work experience and if there is any flexibility on this
Applications should be sent to
Vision & Mission Statement
"To be a trusted source of objective technical advice worldwide on preparedness and response to accidental marine spills."
"To promote effective response to marine spills of oil, chemicals and other substances as a means of reducing impacts on the environment and affected communities."
Core Values
Collaboration – inspiring teamwork and cooperation to achieve the goal of effective spill response.
Integrity – engendering trust in our work through honesty and scientific principles.
Objectivity – providing unbiased, consistent advice to all who seek it.
Respect – empowering a friendly, supportive culture that values diversity and the abilities and experience of all.
Diligence – delivering our services to the highest standards of excellence, with skill and good judgment.