Environmental Monitoring of Marine Spills - The 2nd Premiam Conference, SOAS, London, 4 June 2014

04/06/2014 - 06/06/2014

Kelly Reynolds will be presenting a paper and chairing a panel session at the 2nd Premian conference. PREMIAM is an initiative aimed at improving post-spill environmental monitoring practices through the application of sound science and effective management and coordination, co-ordinated by emergency response and impact assessment experts from Cefas (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science). It has wide support from all relevant UK government stakeholders and fully engages the scientific, emergency response and industry communities in delivering its aims.

The aim of the Premiam conference is to provide a forum for scientists, regulators, industry environment leads and other professionals working in the field of marine oil/chemical spill monitoring to share experience, best practice and knowledge to the wider marine emergency response community. This meeting will cover the importance of preparedness, coordination and identified funding/support to the effective conduct of marine environmental monitoring in an emergency context and will investigate the status of existing arrangements and aims to provide an essential forum for debate. The conference will feature expert speakers from organisations including Defra, ITOPF, Oil and Gas UK, BP, OSRL, Marine Scotland, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, the conservation agencies and two international guest speakers.

Booking details and the full programme and can be accessed at http://cmscoms.com/?p=1326. For any queries about the wider Premiam initiative or aims please contact Mark Kirby atmark.kirby@cefas.co.uk

Categories: Training & Education, Contingency Planning & Advice