International Oil Spill Conference, Long Beach CA, USA, 15-18 May 2017

15/05/2017 - 18/05/2017

A team from ITOPF will be attending IOSC 2017. On the Monday morning before the opening of the conference, Kelly Reynolds, Dr Mark Whittington, Nicky Cariglia and Pauline Marchand, will be running a short course entitled "Fundamentals of Oil Spill Response". Mark, Nicky and Pauline will also be delivering papers at the main conference and Richard Johnson will be chairing a session. Tim Wadsworth, Deborah McKendrick and Susannah Domaille are also attending IOSC. Please come and visit us at Stand 724 in the exhibition hall.

For the conference programme, see IOSC's website: - <link http: conference program>

Category: Training & Education