SPRO Training Courses, Shanghai, China, 9-13 November 2015

09/11/2015 - 13/11/2015

ITOPF is assisting at a training course in China for senior commanders and on-scene commanders from various Ship Pollution Response Organisations (SPROs). The course is being organised by the Environmental Protection Centre under the Ministry of Transport and will be primarily run by Yantai Oil Spill Centre. Dr Ann Zhang of ITOPF is one of the trainers. This is the second course for SPROs with which ITOPF has been involved, see <link news-events news article training-seminar-in-shenzhen-china>www.itopf.com/news-events/news/article/training-seminar-in-shenzhen-china/ for news of the previous event.

Categories: China, Asia, Training & Education