Tanker Shipping & Trade Conference, 19-20 November, London

19/11/2014 - 20/11/2014

Dr Tim Lunel will be attending the Tanker Shipping and Trade Conference, addressing the commercial and technical challenges facing the tanker industry. He will be participating in a panel session on Day 2 of the conference "Getting the right crew the right training". He will be emphasising the need to make training material visually appealing and engaging and for it to be available in a range of languages to ensure that crew pro-actively take up the opportunities they are offered for training.

He will provide the three minute trailer of ITOPF's new award winning film series "Response to Marine Oil Spills" as an example of training material that is rapidly picked up and disseminated worldwide - see: <link http: www.itopf.com knowledge-resources library video-library video itopf-response-to-marine-oil-spills-series-trailer _top external-link-new-window external link in new>www.itopf.com/knowledge-resources/library/video-library/video/itopf-response-to-marine-oil-spills-series-trailer/

Further information on the conference organised by Riviera is available at <link http: www.rivieramm.com events tanker-shipping-and-trade-conference-70 event-home-1954 _top external link in new>www.rivieramm.com/events/tanker-shipping-and-trade-conference-70/event-home-1954

Category: Training & Education