Tanker Shipping & Trade Conference & Awards 15-16 November 2016, London

15/11/2016 - 16/11/2016

ITOPF is a gold sponsor of the third Tanker Shipping & Trade Conference that takes place in London in November 2016. This two day event covers the commercial, technical and regulatory issues at the heart of safe and profitable tanker operations. Day One is focused on chemical and product tankers and Day Two on crude tankers. Each day reflects a mix of case studies, interviews, panel debate and round table discussion.

As last year, ITOPF is sponsoring the Environmental Award at this event and the drinks reception after the awards ceremony. The Environmental Award will be presented to an individual, company or institution that has found a solution to an environmental challenge or problem within the tanker industry.

Download a <link file:2795 download file>conference brochure or see <link http: www.tankershippingconference.com index.htm external-link-new-window external link in new>www.tankershippingconference.com/index.htm for further details.

Category: Training & Education