CMA Shipping 2016, Stamford, Connecticut, USA, 21-23 March 2016

21/03/2016 - 23/03/2016

Dr Karen Purnell will be attending the Connecticut Maritime Association's 31st annual shipping conference and exhibition, "Local talent, global impact" which attracts approximately 2500 participants and features experts from around the world speaking on the issues that will shape the future of the maritime industry.

Karen will also be attending the Shipping Awards dinner which will honour the CMA's 2016 commodore, an award given each year to a member of the international maritime community who has demonstrated leadership, vision and commitment to the maritime industry.  This year's recipient is Paddy Rodgers, CEO of Euronav NV and ITOPF's Chairman. 

Further information on CMA Shipping 2016 is available at <link http: index.html>

Category: Training & Education