ITOPF attends Revolving Fund Committee (RFC) annual meeting and workshop
ITOPF joined the Revolving Fund Committee’s (RFC) annual strategic meetings in Singapore, with this iteration being the third the company has attended while having an office location there.
ITOPF welcomes three new team members
ITOPF has welcomed three new team members across three different roles in its People & Culture, Technical, and ESG project teams.
ITOPF Oil Tanker Spill Statistics for 2024
Ten oil spills of more than seven tonnes were recorded from tanker incidents in 2024, the same number as in 2023.
ESG in Marine Casualties Workshop takes place in London
Building on the successes of the first event, the second iteration of ESG in Marine Casualties Workshop took place last week in London, co-organised by ITOPF, Marittima Ltd., Polaris Applied Sciences Inc, and Triox Environmental Emergencies.
ITOPF joins panel discussions at Seatrade Maritime Salvage & Wreck Conference
ITOPF joined the 2024 Seatrade Maritime Salvage & Wreck Conference last week, with Andrew Le Masurier, Dr. Amy Jewell and Marta Panero attending on behalf of the company.
ITOPF contributes to 10th annual GI WACAF Conference
The 10th Global Initiative for West, Central and Southern Africa (GI WACAF) Conference took place at the end of November where ITOPF attended to provide technical expertise and insight on several topics around responding to ship-source pollution events.
Season’s Greetings from ITOPF
ITOPF would like to wish all our Members, Associates, partners and friends a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
ITOPF contributes to South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) Symposium
ITOPF contributed to the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) Symposium last month in collaboration with Cefas and JNCC, as part of the Ocean Country Partnership Programme, alongside Ambipar.
ITOPF meets with stakeholders in China
ITOPF spent time in China where it met with a key stakeholder, the China Diving and Salvage Association, to discuss areas for future collaboration and training of ship pollution response organisations (SPROS).
ITOPF attends Clean Gulf and ITAC in the USA
ITOPF attended and contributed towards the CLEAN GULF Conference & Exhibition held in Houston, Texas and the Industry Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.