Tanker spill statistics 2021
Data from ITOPF shows that six oil spills over 7 tonnes were recorded from tanker incidents in 2021.
Staff news - January 2022
Oli Beavon is now Managing Director at ITOPF and two members of the technical team have received promotions.
Vacancy for Senior Technical Support Co-ordinator - POSITION CLOSED
We are currently advertising for a Senior Technical Support Co-ordinator. See our Careers page for further infomation.
ITOPF says goodbye to Dr Karen Purnell
ITOPF is bidding farewell to Karen Purnell who retires as Managing Director on 31st December.
ITOPF / Korea Coast Guard joint training
ITOPF ran a three-day in-person training workshop with the Korea Coast Guard (KCG) earlier this month.
Category: Training & Education
Karen Purnell wins Lifetime Achievement Award
ITOPF's outgoing Managing Director, Dr Karen Purnell, wins the Salvage & Wreck Lifetime Achievement Award
New joint publication on liability and compensation
The International Group of P&I Clubs, the IOPC Funds and ITOPF have collaborated on a new booklet on liability and compensation for ship-source oil pollution in the marine environment, published today.
Categories: Compensation, Damage Assessment, Papers
ITOPF presents at the 2021 Petrobras Climate Congress
ITOPF was invited to present virtually at the 2021 Petrobras Climate Congress which was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 8th November 2021.
Category: Training & Education
Vacancy for Communications Officer - CLOSED
We currently have a great opportunity for a Communications Officer to join our team. See our Careers page for further infomation.