OSRL/ITOPF Joint Seminar, Mumbai - Event report
Summary of the joint OSRL/ITOPF seminar held in Mumbai on 29th January 2015
Category: Training & Education
OSRL/ITOPF Joint Seminar, Mumbai - Presentations Available
The presentations from OSRL/ITOPF's recent seminar in Mumbai are now available
Categories: Training & Education, Papers
New 5-Year Low in Tanker Spills
Half way into this decade and the downward trend in oil spills from tankers is sustained
Category: Information Services
Oil Spill in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh - Update
Dr Mark Whittington is travelling to Bangladesh in support of the UN-led response efforts to the recent oil spill in the Sundarbans region
Category: Spill Response
Oil Spill in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh
ITOPF will be deploying technical staff at the request of the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) to join the UN team in Bangladesh responding to an oil spill in the Sundarbans region
Category: Spill Response
Deadline Approaching for 2015 ITOPF R&D Award
The deadline for applications for ITOPF’s 2015 R&D Award is 31st December 2014. Candidates wishing to apply should complete the electronic application form on our website.
ITOPF Supports London International Shipping Week 2015
ITOPF is a supporting organisation for London International Shipping Week which takes place from 7-11 September 2015
Update on 2012 ITOPF R&D Award Winner
ITOPF held a meeting with FishHealth, the first recipient of the ITOPF R&D Award
GI WACAF Conference in Gabon
Dr Annabelle Nicolas-Kopec was one of the presenters at a GI WACAF sub-regional conference on liability and compensation
Categories: Africa, Training & Education
Training and building links in China
Dr Tim Lunel and Rose Ying of ITOPF visited Shenzhen MSA and a number of other organisations in China
Categories: China, Training & Education