ITOPF attends events in Canada
16 June 2016

ITOPF attended a workshop on the long-term persistence of stranded oil (5th-6th June) and the 39th AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response (7th-9th June), which were held back-to back in Nova Scotia, Canada.
The first workshop was co-organised by Owens Coastal Consultants Ltd and Triox and gathered 33 participants from academic institutions, research organisations, OSROs, consultancies and the oil industry. Based on the experience and knowledge of renowned experts such as Dr Ed Owens and Dr Ken Lee, it aimed to summarise our understanding of oil weathering processes for different types of oil in different coastal environments in order to assist planners, responders and decision makers in the definition of clean-up strategies and end points.
This 2-day workshop was followed by the 39th AMOP Conference held in Halifax. Romain Chancerel gave the final talk on recent oil spill experiences, focusing on two cases, FINACIA 32 and FLINTERSTAR, and highlighting some of the issues faced by the shipping industry during a pollution incident.
Picture shows attendees at the first workshop
Categories: Americas, Training & Education