ITOPF attends regional oil spill contingency planning workshop in Malaysia
Written by 14 November 2023

ITOPF attended an Association of Southeast Asian Nations Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan (The ASEAN Secretariat ROSCP) workshop in Klang, Malaysia.
The workshop was organised by the Global Initiative for Southeast Asia (GISEA) and aimed to test the implementation of ASEAN ROSCP as well as provide a platform for information exchange among attendees.
Members of ITOPF's Technical Team delivered a series of presentations covering some of the realities of transboundary oil spill response, waste management and disposal during a pollution response, and the Readiness Evaluation/Excel Tool for Oil Spills (RETOS).
A focus was also given to the International Liability and Compensation Regime, looking at the common administrative and operational challenges associated with the processing of claims following a marine pollution event.