ITOPF presents seminar & visits P&I Clubs in Hong Kong
4 July 2017

ITOPF worked with the Hong Kong Shipping Association to provide an oil spill response seminar to a number of their members on 19th June. The afternoon seminar was delivered by Richard Johnson, Tim Wadsworth and David Campion and attended by representatives from the world of shipping, salvage and P&I. The seminar covered the work of ITOPF, highlighting various aspects of response and claims assessment where ITOPF can provide advice and assistance both onsite and remotely.
Whilst in Hong Kong, the team also took the opportunity to visit seven local P&I Club offices (London, West of England, UK Club, Gard, Swedish Club, Steamship and Britannia) where they held discussions on present activities and services, providing presentations including case histories in many of the meetings.
Category: Training & Education