ITOPF supports PEMSEA workshop on claims and compensation
28 April 2021

ITOPF supported a virtual training workshop on claims and compensation for oil pollution from ships from 20-22 April. The event was organised by PEMSEA (Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia), as part of the Gulf of Thailand (GOT) Framework Programme and Strategic Action Plan 2017-2021, and also included the participation of the International Group of P&I Clubs and the IOPC Funds.
The aim of the workshop was to enhance better understanding of the technical aspects of claims and compensation under the different international conventions and to facilitate preparation and submission of claims for compensation from oil spills.
Around 50 participants attended, including delegates from Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. ITOPF was represented by Duarte Soares, Alex Hunt, Pauline Marchand and David Campion, and provided a series of presentations, as well as an exercise and quiz, covering the role of ITOPF, relevant case studies, environmental damage and claims assessment.
The workshop was highly interactive and provided an excellent opportunity to share experiences and lessons learned on the claims and compensation process.