ITOPF supports regional workshop for oil spill preparedness and response in South Asia
12 November 2015

ITOPF supported the IMO and <link http: _top external-link-new-window external link in new>SACEP (South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme) in a regional workshop for oil spill preparedness and response from 2-6 November, under an agreement for 'Enhancing Regional Cooperation Mechanisms on Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response in the SACEP Region'. 35 delegates attended, representing the national authorities and SACEP consultants for Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
Dr Nicola Beer gave presentations on the international claims and compensation regime, and responding to major incidents requiring international cooperation or crossing national boundaries, drawing on case studies to illustrate common challenges and realities.
Each of the nations presented the status of their contingency plans and response capability. Despite the varying levels of preparedness amongst the coastal nations in the SACEP region, a high level of existing cooperation and engagement amongst the participants made for excellent discussions. ITOPF will continue to support the IMO, SACEP, and the national authorities in the finalisation of the regional plan for cooperation in oil and chemical spill response.
Categories: Asia, Training & Education