ITOPF supports regional workshop in South Asia
30 August 2016

ITOPF supported the IMO and SACEP (South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme) at a regional workshop in Malé, Maldives from 22 to 25 August 2016. The workshop was attended by the five maritime nations in the SACEP region, namely Pakistan, India, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Its objective was to finalise an update of the Regional Oil and Chemical Pollution Contingency Plan for South Asia in the framework of an MoU on cooperation in response to oil and chemical spills. Four of the countries have signed the MoU to date; India is expected to sign in the near future at which point the regional plan will enter into force.
Franck Laruelle attended the workshop on behalf of ITOPF and delivered a training course on preparedness and response to shipping incidents involving hazardous and noxious substances (HNS), as well as contributing to general discussions on updating the regional contingency plan and its annexes.
Categories: Asia, Contingency Planning & Advice