ITOPF Supports World Oceans Day

9 June 2015

ITOPF Supports World Oceans Day

ITOPF attended a two day event held at Liverpool Maritime Museum to celebrate World Oceans Day from 7-8 June. This was run by students from the University of Liverpool and coincided with the Mersey River Festival.

World Oceans Day is an event sponsored by the United Nations to remind people of the importance of the ocean as well as to raise awareness about the crucial role the ocean plays in our lives and the ways people can help protect it.

The free event at the Liverpool Maritime Museum was open to the general public on its first day and included a number of school visits on its second day. ITOPF took the opportunity to showcase its new junior website for 5-8 year olds which provides educational material on the marine environment. We also found many willing participants to road test our new game for iOS - Oil Boom!, a game of 30 levels which takes players around the world on a mission to contain oil spills before they reach the shore. Our team in Liverpool, Lisa Stevens and Jayne Foster, also engaged the children with a number of other puzzles and activities and were delighted with the high level of interest that our stand attracted from children, parents and teachers alike.

To visit our Kids Website, click here <link https: _top external link in new>

Category: Training & Education

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