ITOPF takes part in IOSC 2024

Written by Joe Lane 23 May 2024

ITOPF takes part in IOSC 2024

The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) 2024 took place in New Orleans, USA with ITOPF contributing to a significant number of events across the week which saw more than 1000 delegates from across the global spill response community attend.

ITOPF’s involvement was spread across multiple mediums and formats throughout the week and presented multiple papers covering critical topics affecting the industry.

Speaking on the event ITOPF Technical Director, Richard Johnson said: “We were pleased to return to IOSC this year and provide input across the board, including our work within the steering committee in the lead-up to the event and our contributions throughout the week.

“I am proud to see ITOPF bring so much to the conference once again, from our short course which kicked off our week, to the papers presented throughout and all our great work in between. It is a testament to the value ITOPF brings to the conversation of spill response.

“The event was a great show of intellectual exchange, which is required to remain vigilant in addressing the challenges we face as an industry, as well as providing a platform to many seasoned professionals to exhibit the cutting edge of knowledge and experience.

“We will continue the conversations at Interspill next year in London. Now that the baton has been passed on, I’d like to thank all those who contributed to IOSC from ITOPF and across the industry. I look forward to working with Rob Holland of OSRL in co-chairing the Interspill conference programme. Strike whilst the iron is hot, get your abstracts in!”

ITOPF’s involvements with IOSC 2024 across the week:


Special Session

Back to Basics: Revisiting the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC 90)



International Assistance: Sharing the Load or Muddying the Waters?

Understanding Culture in the Context of Emergencies: A step towards a More Effective International Spill Response.

A Case For Incorporating Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) Into Spill Response.

Alternative fuels: a shift in the response paradigm?

Cost of Oil Spills: A Review of International Cost Data and The Factors Affecting the Costs of Oil Spills from Ships

Balancing the Plastic See-Saw



How Increased Digital Adaptability Can Enhance Spill Responsibility Efficiency

Challenges of Scientifically Robust Post Spill Monitoring to Inform Each Stage of the Environmental Assessment Process


Short Courses

Fundamentals of Oil Spill Response

Aerial Surveillance of Oil Spills – An Introduction


Chair Duties

Microplastics session

Spill Impacts – Social and Environmental session

Spill Impacts – Sciences and Monitoring session

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