ITOPF welcomes three new members to its Technical Team
Written by 29 November 2022

ITOPF has welcomed three new members to its Technical Team this autumn, Shania Hughes as Technical Support Coordinator and Ayumi Therrien and Sue Ware as Technical Advisers.
Shania has a BSc degree in Geography and an MSc degree in Environmental hazards. Her postgraduate research involved offshore oil spill modelling and shoreline sensitivity analysis within the Irish Sea. Shania previously worked for Natural Resources Wales, providing business and technical support to the Marine Service teams.
Her role at ITOPF involves providing technical support to the team, which includes claims work, data management and providing advice on response resources.
Ayumi has a BSc in Physical geography and an MSc in Environmental sciences and management. Prior to joining ITOPF, Ayumi worked as a spill preparedness and response specialist for marine, freshwater, and land-based incidents in Canada and the US. Ayumi has several years of experience working in the field of environmental emergencies, first as a senior officer for the government of Canada, and then as a consultant. Ayumi joins ITOPF as a Technical Adviser for our Americas Team.
Dr Sue Ware is a marine ecologist and previously worked for Cefas, where she provided advice on post spill monitoring and assessment, both in the UK and overseas. Sue has a BSc in Zoology, an MSc in Marine and fisheries science and a PhD in Essential fish habitat. She joins ITOPF as a Technical Adviser and is a member of the Environmental Damage Working Group and our Europe Middle East Asia (EMEA) team.