OSRL/ITOPF Joint Seminar, Mumbai - Event report
9 February 2015

A Successful Response - Effective Implementation of the Contingency Plan
Thursday 29th January 2015, Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Mumbai
Over 40 delegates attended this event, which provided an excellent forum for exchange of information and views from both government and industry on the implementation of the new draft NOSDCP. A particular highlight of the day was the excellent key note session by DIG AA Hebbar, Director of Indian Coast Guard, who kicked off with a summary of the changes to the new plan and the way ahead in terms of national capabilities, followed by Dr Y. B. Sontakke, Joint Director of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, who used the MSC CHITRA incident to talk through the role of the MPCB in an oil spill and the challenges faced in this particular case. This opening session, combined with afternoon presentations from both OSRL and ITOPF on tiered preparedness and response to HNS incidents, provided ample points for discussion throughout the day and the contributions of the attendees made for a lively and very useful closing panel session.
We would like to thank everyone who attended for their participation in this third joint OSRL/ITOPF Seminar, who helped make the event such a useful meeting of stakeholders, all of whom have an interest in continuing to build preparedness for responding to oil and chemical spills in India.
Presentations from the seminar are now available to download from ITOPF's website: -
<link news-events news article osrlitopf-joint-seminar-mumbai-presentations-available>www.itopf.com/news-events/news/article/osrlitopf-joint-seminar-mumbai-presentations-available/
Category: Training & Education