POLEX 2019, national exercise, Spain
4 December 2019

ITOPF was invited as observers to POLEX 2019, a national salvage and oil spill response exercise organised by the Dirección General de la Marina Mercante (DGMM) and Sociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad MarÃtima (SASEMAR) in Malaga, Spain from 19th- 20th November 2019. The exercise scenario involved a hypothetical collision between a bulk carrier and containership approaching the port of Malaga, and included search and rescue, oil spill response and place of refuge components and decision-making. The event provided ITOPF with a good opportunity for observing the deployment of oil spill response equipment and vessels, and for networking with representatives from national and local government, port authorities and other stakeholders.
Angela Pinzon and Christopher Black attended on behalf of ITOPF.
Category: Contingency Planning & Advice