World Shipping Summit 2015, Guangzhou, China, 5-7 November 2015
24 November 2015

Rose Ying, ITOPF's China Liaison Officer, participated in the World Shipping Summit as a guest and exhibitor. This year's summit focused on the 'Belt & Road' initiative and global shipping opportunities and challenges. It was attended by over 700 participants, primarily shipowners and government representatives.
The summit was opened by Mr. Ma Zehua, Chairman of the Board and Secretary of the Party Committee of China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO). He was followed by over 50 influential speakers from government and the international maritime industry who shared their insights into shipping policy, technology, market trends, future trade and transportation, as well as environmental issues.
With the kind cooperation of COSCO, ITOPF hosted a booth in the reception area which provided an excellent opportunity to distribute our technical publications and engage with some of our shipowner Members and Associates.
Pictures show Rose meeting one of our tanker owner Members & shaking hands with Mr. LI YuanPeng, MD of COSCO.
Categories: Asia, Training & Education