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862 results:

Spill response during the Covid-19 pandemic (2022) - extended abstract

Spill response during the Covid-19 pandemic (2022) - extended abstract

…Responding to a spill under COVID-19 conditions brought unparalleled challenges in all…

ITOPF hosts symposium on 'A new era of spill response risks and challenges'

ITOPF hosts symposium on 'A new era of spill response risks and challenges'

… deliver a symposium – ‘A new era of spill response risks and challenges’.

2017 Tanker Oil Spill Statistics: Positive downward trend continues

2017 Tanker Oil Spill Statistics: Positive downward trend continues

…Statistics for oil spills from tankers for close to five decades shows a progressive…

Workshop on developing a national oil spill preparedness and response framework in Vietnam

Workshop on developing a national oil spill preparedness and response framework in Vietnam

ITOPF was the lead IMO consultant at a workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

ITOPF assists with GI WACAF’s new webinar series on oil spill preparedness and response

ITOPF assists with GI WACAF’s new webinar series on oil spill preparedness and response

Franck Laruelle of ITOPF was one of the presenters on the first of GI WACAF’s new series of free webinars held on Wednesday 24th June.

SeaRiver Maritime 2014 Prince William Sound Oil Spill Exercise

SeaRiver Maritime 2014 Prince William Sound Oil Spill Exercise

…ITOPF participated in a Tier 3 oil spill exercise organised by SeaRiver Maritime Inc…

Workshop on Circumpolar Oil Spill Response Gap Analysis, Denmark, 8-9 October 2015

Miguel Patel will be attending this scoping workshop organised under the auspices of the Arctic Council Emergency, Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) working group

Operationalizing national oil spill contingency planning, Nairobi, Kenya, 1-3 May 2019

ITOPF is one of the partners delivering a 3-day training course on contingency planning in Kenya

The ITOPF perspective on current challenges in responding to an oil spill in the Arctic (2015)

The ITOPF perspective on current challenges in responding to an oil spill in the Arctic (2015)

(Overheads only) Introduction to ITOPF; The Arctic and Northern routes; Operational challenges and response options; Preparedness and capabilities; Conclusions