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59 results:

Cooperation Forum and Project Coordination Committee Meetings, Malaysia

Cooperation Forum and Project Coordination Committee Meetings, Malaysia

Alex Hunt attended two meetings under the Cooperative Mechanism on Safety of Navigation and Environment Protection in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore


… Pollution Response Teams have been set up (one…

ITOPF Seminar at North of England P&I Club

ITOPF Seminar at North of England P&I Club

ITOPF was invited by North of England P&I Club to deliver a seminar at the company HQ in Newcastle

GARD/ITOPF Seminar, Arendal, October 2015

GARD/ITOPF Seminar, Arendal, October 2015

ITOPF was invited by GARD to deliver a seminar at the company headquarters in Arendal, Norway.

SOLOMON TRADER, Solomon Islands, 2019

SOLOMON TRADER, Solomon Islands, 2019

On 4th February 2019, cargo vessel SOLOMON TRADER (38,779 GT) ran aground during poor weather in Kangava Bay, Rennell Island, Solomon Islands. The vessel was reportedly carrying 10,850 MT of bauxite

SeaRiver Maritime 2014 Prince William Sound Oil Spill Exercise

SeaRiver Maritime 2014 Prince William Sound Oil Spill Exercise

ITOPF participated in a Tier 3 oil spill exercise organised by SeaRiver Maritime Inc in Alaska.

2014 Valdez SeaRiver (ExxonMobil) Exercise, 16-18 September 2014

Dr Mark Whittington will be participating in ExxonMobil's exercise in Prince William Sound, Alaska - Event report

ITOPF welcomes three new members to its Technical Team

ITOPF welcomes three new members to its Technical Team

ITOPF has welcomed three new members to its Technical Team this autumn, Shania Hughes as Technical Support Coordinator and Ayumi Therrien and Sue Ware as Technical Advisers.

Spill response during the Covid-19 pandemic (2022) - extended abstract

Spill response during the Covid-19 pandemic (2022) - extended abstract

Responding to a spill under COVID-19 conditions brought unparalleled challenges in all aspects of launching an effective spill response. This paper discusses the experiences and issues from a

Oil spills in ports (2006)

Oil spills in ports (2006)

Whilst large oil spills arising from shipping accidents often make dramatic news, most oil spills are small and originate in or near ports. ITOPF oil spill statistics for tankers, for instance,