Information Services

ITOPF is a primary source of information on ship-source pollution.
This includes:
- 18 Technical Information Papers (TIPs) which cover specific spill-related topics illustrated with our photos and diagrams
- Response to Marine Oil Spills, an award winning series of eight films tackling the key issues related to oil spills and how to deliver a well-planned and executed response
- Response to Marine Oil Spills, 2nd edition, a book and e-book available for sale from Witherbys Seamanship
- Oil Tanker Spill Statistics, an annual publication providing data on accidental oil spills from tankers, combined carriers and barges, derived from ITOPF’s database
- Country Profiles, a series of reports summarising the spill response arrangements and clean-up resources within individual maritime states
- Geographic Information System (GIS) applications to facilitate shoreline surveying, reporting and decision-making, and to improve communication of key messages through visualisation
- Other miscellaneous papers, including conference papers and articles
- Company library containing a historic collection of publications on marine spills, clean-up techniques, effects and other related issues
- Media library, containing ITOPF's film for streaming and a gallery of spill images available for downloading

Meet The Team
Our highly skilled team are ready to assist.