ITOPF Annual Review published
6 September 2016

In the latest edition of the ITOPF Annual Review, Chairman, Paddy Rodgers, reflects on the unpredictability of the shipowners' landscape and the reassurance of knowing that ITOPF can be relied upon to provide objective, science-based technical support when an accident occurs.
During the last financial year, ITOPF attended 20 new incidents from tankers and non-tankers. Of particular note is that none of these resulted in a spill of more than 130 tonnes and most were of less than 100 tonnes, thus reinforcing the trend towards less and less oil being spilled through shipping accidents. However, the significance of an incident is not always measured by the quantity of oil spilled but by the complexity of the issues surrounding it. For ITOPF this means that staff are sometimes engaged in the monitoring and assessment of pollution damage for many months, even years, afterwards.
In addition to its spill activity, the team continued to promote effective response through education and outreach. In the year under review, ITOPF provided technical support to a number of government agencies around the world to assist them with contingency planning, exercises/drills and workshops. It also contributed to intergovernmental fora and industry-government partnerships and participated in events with its shipowner Members, Associates and their insurers.
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