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Operationalizing national oil spill contingency planning, Nairobi, Kenya, 1-3 May 2019

ITOPF is one of the partners delivering a 3-day training course on contingency planning in Kenya

New ITOPF Handbook published

New ITOPF Handbook published

ITOPF has just published its annual Handbook for 2019/20. This contains a wealth of valuable information and guidance for those likely to be involved in spills of oil, chemicals or other substances…

BALEX DELTA 2018 Lessons identified and final conference, Helsinki, Finland, 9-10 April 2019

Pauline Marchand will be attending the BALEX DELTA post exercise conference

ITOPF attends launch meeting of WestMOPoCo

ITOPF attends launch meeting of WestMOPoCo

Annabelle Nicolas-Kopec and Franck Laruelle attended the launch meeting in Paris of WestMOPoCo (Western Mediterranean Region Marine Oil & HNS Pollution Cooperation Project)

ITOPF R&D Award 2019 to fund study into low sulphur fuel oils

ITOPF R&D Award 2019 to fund study into low sulphur fuel oils

We are pleased to announce that the beneficiary of the 8th annual ITOPF R&D Award is the Norwegian research organisation, SINTEF, for a project on the characterisation of low sulphur fuel oils…

New staff

New staff

ITOPF welcomed two new Technical Advisers to the team this week, Lauren Fear and Dr Angela Pinzón-Espinosa.

Regional Maritime Safety Conference, India

Regional Maritime Safety Conference, India

Richard Johnson attended the two-day Regional Maritime Safety Conference in Mumbai from 17-18 February.

Vacancies at ITOPF - CLOSED

Vacancies at ITOPF - CLOSED

We currently have vacancies for a Technical Adviser and Technical Support Coordinator

Vacancy at ITOPF

Vacancy at ITOPF

We are currently looking for an IT Systems Manager to join our team.

Regional Maritime Safety Conference, Mumbai, India, 17-18 January 2019

Richard Johnson will be presenting at the above conference organised by the National Maritime Foundation, a think tank associated with the Indian Navy.