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1108 results:

Regional contingency planning, Southeast Asia

Regional contingency planning, Southeast Asia

Dr Annabelle Nicolas-Kopec was one of the trainers at a regional contingency planning workshop held in Malaysia from 19th -21st August.

National Workshop in Cambodia

National Workshop in Cambodia

David Campion was one of the trainers at a national workshop on oil spill preparedness and response held in Cambodia from 6th-9th August.

EcoCanal 2019, Panama

EcoCanal 2019, Panama

ITOPF attended the annual EcoCanal seminar and exercise at the Panama Canal

London International Shipping Week 2019, 9-13 September 2019

ITOPF is one of the supporters of London International Shipping Week 2019

Transboundary oil spill response exercise between Angola and Namibia, Namibia/Angola, 6-9 August 2019

ITOPF is participating in the GI-WACAF transboundary exercise between Angola and Namibia

ICOPCE 2019, Singapore, 21-24 October 2019

ITOPF is one of the supporters of ICOPCE 2019, the biennial International Chemical and Oil Pollution Conference and Exhibition, organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore.

Ohmsett Dispersant Workshop, New Jersey, USA, 25-26 June 2019

Julke Brandt and Angela Pinzon will be attending a dispersant workshop at the Ohmsett facility

Côte d’Ivoire – GI WACAF Exercise

Côte d’Ivoire – GI WACAF Exercise

ITOPF recently attended a GI WACAF (Global Initiative for West, Central and Southern Africa) national exercise in Côte d’Ivoire

30th Anniversary of the Canadian Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund

30th Anniversary of the Canadian Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund

Tim Wadsworth attended a seminar and reception to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Canadian Ship-Source Oil Pollution Fund