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1108 results:

Regional training in Kenya

Regional training in Kenya

ITOPF was invited to deliver regional training on oil pollution preparedness, response and cooperation for eastern African countries in Nairobi, Kenya

Oil Spill India, New Delhi, India, 5-6 July 2018

Anne Reglain will be making a presentation at the 5th Oil Spill India Conference

Joint Preparedness Workshop on the ASEAN Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan, Selangor, Malaysia, 2nd-6th July 2018

ITOPF has been invited to participate in this regional workshop organised by IMO and GI SEA, with support from the Marine Department of Malaysia

MEDEXPOL 2018, Valetta, Malta, 20-21 June 2018

Nicola Beer will be attending this regional workshop on response to spill incidents involving HNS

Posidonia 2018, Athens, Greece, 4-6 June 2018

Karen Purnell is attending Posidonia 2018, the international shipping exhibition

Adriatic 2018, Split, Croatia, 21-25 May 2018

Nicky Cariglia is an observer at a full-scale exercise in the Adriatic Sea involving Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro

ITOPF hosts seminar for Danish Navy cadets

ITOPF hosts seminar for Danish Navy cadets

ITOPF was pleased to welcome a group of cadets and their instructors from the Royal Danish Navy into its offices today.

HNS Convention Workshop

HNS Convention Workshop

ITOPF was invited to present at the HNS (Hazardous and Noxious Substances) Convention Workshop organised by IMO in cooperation with the IOPC Funds

4th PREMIAM Conference, London, 21 June 2018

ITOPF is one of the sponsors of the PREMIAM - Post Spill Monitoring Conference

GIWACAF Sub-regional workshop on shoreline response to oil spills, Namibia, 29 May - 1 June 2018

Franck Laruelle will be attending the above workshop hosted by the Ministry of Works and Transport, Namibia