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1108 results:

ITOPF presents seminar & visits P&I Clubs in Hong Kong

ITOPF presents seminar & visits P&I Clubs in Hong Kong

Three members of the technical team travelled to Hong Kong for a series of meetings

ITOPF presents at international oil pollution compensation regime seminar in Goa

ITOPF presents at international oil pollution compensation regime seminar in Goa

Anne Reglain participated in a national seminar organised by the Directorate General of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping of the Government of India from 8-9 June 2017

ITOPF welcomes cadets from the Royal Danish Navy

ITOPF welcomes cadets from the Royal Danish Navy

ITOPF hosted almost 30 cadets and their instructors from the Royal Danish Navy in its offices today.

Spanish National Marine Pollution Exercise, Santander, Spain, 14-16 June 2017

ITOPF has been invited by the Spanish Maritime Administration to participate in a National Pollution Exercise

National workshop on the international liability and compensation regime, Goa, India, 8-9 June 2017

Anne Reglain will be participating in a two-day workshop in Goa organised by the Directorate General of Shipping, India

Pollution Seminar & Workshop, Argentina

Pollution Seminar & Workshop, Argentina

ITOPF was invited to participate in a seminar in Argentina organised by P&I correspondents, Pandi Liquidadores, in cooperation with the Argentine Coast Guard

ITOPF in Brazil

ITOPF in Brazil

Dr Mark Whittington attends events in Rio de Janeiro

ITOPF attends IOSC 2017

ITOPF attends IOSC 2017

ITOPF was out in force at the International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC 2017) in Long Beach, California last week.

GI WACAF Workshop, Congo, 27-19 June 2017

Anne Reglain will be attending this national workshop on waste management.

40th AMOP Technical Seminar, Alberta, Canada, 6-8 June 2017

Dr Nancy Wong will be presenting at the AMOP Seminar