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1108 results:

Workshop on the use of dispersants to combat oil spills in Germany at sea, Berlin, 12-13 November 2015

ITOPF will be attending this event organised by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

ITOPF film series now subtitled in Japanese

ITOPF film series now subtitled in Japanese

ITOPF's seven film series "Response to Marine Oil Spills" is now available to view online with subtitles in Japanese.

Technical Services Brochure now available in Korean

Technical Services Brochure now available in Korean

Our 2015 Technical Services Brochure which provides an introduction to ITOPF and the services we provide is now available in Korean

GARD/ITOPF Seminar, Arendal, October 2015

GARD/ITOPF Seminar, Arendal, October 2015

ITOPF was invited by GARD to deliver a seminar at the company headquarters in Arendal, Norway.

SPRO Training Courses, Shanghai, China, 9-13 November 2015

ITOPF is assisting at a training course in China for senior commanders and on-scene commanders from various Ship Pollution Response Organisations (SPROs).

Regional Training & Exercise for Oil Spill Preparedness and Response, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-6 November 2015

Dr Nicola Beer is one of the trainers at this regional exercise for the SACEP region

National Workshop on Updating the National Contingency Plan of Turkmenistan, 9-11 November 2015

Romain Chancerel is one of the trainers at a national workshop in Turkmenistan organised by the IMO

China Oil Transportation Safety Forum, Nanjing, 21 October 2015

China Oil Transportation Safety Forum, Nanjing, 21 October 2015

Our China Liaison Officer Rose Ying attended the 2015 China Oil Transportation Safety Forum in Nanjing, China, hosted by CCS, CNOOC and SinoTrans & CSC Holdings. Co. Ltd.

BE-AWARE II Project Final Conference, Sweden, 18-19 November 2015

Lisa Stevens will be attending the final conference of the BE AWARE II project, a regional risk assessment for oil and HNS for the Greater North Sea and its wider approaches

World Shipping Summit, Guangzhou, China, 5-6 November 2015

Rose Ying will be attending the World Shipping Summit