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1108 results:

NATUNA SEA, Indonesia/Singapore/Malaysia, 2000

NATUNA SEA, Indonesia/Singapore/Malaysia, 2000

Tanker NATUNA SEA (51,095 GT; built 1980) grounded in Indonesian waters in the Singapore Strait on 3rd October 2000. At the time of the incident, the vessel was laden with 70,000 tonnes of Nile Blend…

BUNGA KELANA 3, Singapore/Malaysia, 2010

BUNGA KELANA 3, Singapore/Malaysia, 2010

In the early hours of 25th May 2010, tanker BUNGA KELANA 3 (57,017GT, built 1998) collided with bulk carrier WAILY (15,272GT, built 1983) in the traffic separation scheme within the Singapore Strait,…

Shiparc 2015, Malmo, Sweden, 25-27 August 2015

Jessika Fuessel will be attending the joint WMU-IMO-Arctic Council International Conference on Safe and Sustainable Shipping in a Changing Arctic Environment

6th Maritime Salvage & Casualty Response, London, 2-3 September 2015

Nicky Cariglia will be attending this conference.

ITOPF TIPs now available in Turkish

ITOPF TIPs now available in Turkish

ITOPF's Technical Information Papers have been translated into Turkish.

ITOPF Presents at the 2015 International Oil Spill Response Strategy Forum in Beijing, China

ITOPF Presents at the 2015 International Oil Spill Response Strategy Forum in Beijing, China

ITOPF participated in an International Oil Spill Response Strategy Forum in Beijing, China, to promote the benefits of preparing for a major pollution incident in China and to explain the role of…

ITOPF presents at the London P&I Club annual seminar in Istanbul

ITOPF presents at the London P&I Club annual seminar in Istanbul

ITOPF participated in the London P&I Club’s annual Istanbul seminar held at the Hilton Bosphorus Hotel on Wednesday 10th June 2015.

EcoCanal 2015, Panama, 24-25 June 2015

ITOPF will be participating in EcoCanal 2015, the annual exercise jointly organised by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and the US National Response Team (NRT)

2015 International Oil Spill Response Strategy Forum, Beijing, China, 26 June 2015

Dr Karen Purnell and Rose Ying will be making presentations at this forum organised by the China Institute of Strategy and Management

Visiting Professor at World Maritime University

Visiting Professor at World Maritime University

In our role as visiting professor at the World Maritime University (WMU), ITOPF was invited to assist with the 2015 intake of students on the MSc in Maritime Affairs course.