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1108 results:

ITOPF Participates in KEMI 2015 Oil-In-Ice exercise as part of the Copenhagen agreement.

ITOPF Participates in KEMI 2015 Oil-In-Ice exercise as part of the Copenhagen agreement.

ITOPF was pleased to be invited to give a key note speech on the first day of Kemi 2015 and then participate in the oil-in-ice recovery exercise on the second day.

New ITOPF Handbook Available

New ITOPF Handbook Available

ITOPF's latest Handbook is currently being mailed to our Members and contacts.

Containment & Recovery of Oil Spills at Sea. Methods and limitations (1995)

Containment & Recovery of Oil Spills at Sea. Methods and limitations (1995)

The ultimate aim of any oil recovery operation at sea is to collect as much floating oil as is reasonably and economically possible. However, a review of past spills shows that rarely is more than…

Coming soon for release in 2016

Coming soon for release in 2016

Filming has begun on ITOPF’s new production “Oil Spills in Ice Covered Waters”.

ITOPF Films Shortlisted for Seatrade Award

ITOPF Films Shortlisted for Seatrade Award

ITOPF's Response to Marine Oil Spills film series is a finalist in the Investors in People category at the 2015 Seatrade Awards

ITOPF Films Available on the Apple App Store and Android Market

ITOPF Films Available on the Apple App Store and Android Market

ITOPF's Response to Marine Oil Spills film series is now available for iOS and Android devices

ITOPF attends Petroleum Association of Japan Workshop

ITOPF attends Petroleum Association of Japan Workshop

Nicky Cariglia gave a presentation at an oil spill workshop organised by the PAJ

CEDRE Information Day, Paris, France, 10 March 2015

Dr Annabelle Nicolas-Kopec will be presenting a paper at CEDRE's Information Day

11th Annual Arctic Shipping Forum, Helsinki, 24-26 February

Dr Jessika Fuessel will be attending the Arctic Shipping Forum

Shipping 2015, Connecticut, USA, 23-25 March 2015

Dr Karen Purnell will be attending the Connecticut Maritime Association's annual conference