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1108 results:

EAGLE OTOME, United States, 2010

EAGLE OTOME, United States, 2010

On 23rd January 2010, two barges and their towing vessel DIXIE VENGENCE, collided with the Singapore flagged oil tanker EAGLE OTOME, in the Sabine Neches waterway in Port Arthur, Texas. The collision…

OLIVA, Tristan da Cunha, 2011

OLIVA, Tristan da Cunha, 2011

In the early hours of 16th March 2011, bulk carrier OLIVA while on transit from Brazil to Singapore grounded on Nightingale Island, which is part of the Tristan da Cunha Island group in the South…

Staff Changes at ITOPF

Staff Changes at ITOPF

ITOPF has recruited four new technical advisers and Henk Renken has left to join BP

EMSA Workshop on HNS Response

EMSA Workshop on HNS Response

Drs Annabelle Nicolas-Kopec and Tim Lunel participated in EMSA's HNS Workshop for Member States in Lisbon, Portugal, 1-2 October 2014

SeaRiver Maritime 2014 Prince William Sound Oil Spill Exercise

SeaRiver Maritime 2014 Prince William Sound Oil Spill Exercise

ITOPF participated in a Tier 3 oil spill exercise organised by SeaRiver Maritime Inc in Alaska.

Response to Marine Oil Spills Film Event in Korea

Response to Marine Oil Spills Film Event in Korea

ITOPF held its final screening of the ITOPF films at an event in Seoul on 25 September

Workshop Addressing Key Challenges of Chemical Marine Pollution Response, EMSA, Lisbon, 1-2 October 2014

Dr Annabelle Nicolas-Kopec will be assisting at EMSA's Workshop on HNS Response - Event Report

Oil Spill India 2014, Goa, India, 18 September 2014

Richard Johnson will be presenting a paper during the plenary session - Event report

OSR Workshop Trivandrum, India, 16 September 2014

Richard Johnson will give a presentation on "Ships, Risks and Spills: Is India Ready and Able?" - Event report

Raising Awareness in India

Raising Awareness in India

ITOPF supports oil spill response initiatives in India