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Response To Marine Oil Spills

Response To Marine Oil Spills

A comprehensive review of the problems posed by marine oil spills and available response measures, published 2012. Available for purchase.

OSRL/ITOPF Mumbai Seminar, India, Thursday 29 January 2015

ITOPF and Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) will be holding a 3rd seminar in India on Government and Industry Cooperation - Effective Implementation of the Contingency Plan. Event report available

Oil Spill Response Ltd and ITOPF to Co-Host Second Seminar in India

Oil Spill Response Limited and ITOPF are co-hosting a forum to consider the latest review of India's National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan (NOSDCP)

Cleaning oiled boom

Cleaning oiled boom

Clean-up contractors washing oiled boom

Surf washing

Surf washing

Lightly contaminated sand moved into the surf zone to take advantage of natural cleaning processes

Cleaning oiled fishing boats

Cleaning oiled fishing boats

Cleaning oil stains from the hulls of vessels

Clean-up workers

Clean-up workers

Volunteers participating in HEBEI SPIRIT clean-up operations

AGIOS DIMITRIOS 1, China, 2009

AGIOS DIMITRIOS 1, China, 2009

On Tuesday 15th September 2009, the containership AGIOS DIMITRIOS 1 was caught in a typhoon and ran aground off Gaolan Island, close to the city of Zhuhai in Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of…

World Premiere in Singapore

World Premiere in Singapore

The world premiere of the ITOPF films Shoreline Clean-up and Oil Spill Compensation took place in Singapore.

ITOPF Completes Launch of its Film Series in Hong Kong

ITOPF Completes Launch of its Film Series in Hong Kong

The final films in ITOPF’s “Response to Marine Oil Spills” series were showcased at a cinema in the iconic IFC building in Hong Kong on Wednesday evening.