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1108 results:

HEBEI SPIRIT, Republic of Korea, 2007

HEBEI SPIRIT, Republic of Korea, 2007

On 7th December 2007, the VLCC HEBEI SPIRIT (146,848GT, built 1993), laden with 209,000 tonnes of four different Middle Eastern crude oils, was struck by a crane barge whilst at anchor off Taean,…

7. Oil spill compensation

7. Oil spill compensation

An oil spill can cause financial loss for a variety of organisations and individuals. We’ll look at some examples of the economic impacts of oil spills on businesses and livelihoods and finding out…

6. Environmental impacts

6. Environmental impacts

We look at the environmental impacts of oils spills from the immediate effects on eco-systems and habitats to prospects for long term recovery. While an incident remains in the public eye, images of…

5. Waste management

5. Waste management

In this programme we’ll be looking at how we can most effectively manage oily waste from the moment it’s collected until its final treatment or disposal. Waste management is often a major operation…

ECE, off Channel Islands, UK, 2006

ECE, off Channel Islands, UK, 2006

On 31st January 2006, the Marshall Islands-registered chemical tanker, ECE was on a laden voyage from Safi, Morocco to Ghent, Belgium with a cargo of 10,361 tonnes of Phosphoric Acid when she…

4. Shoreline clean-up

4. Shoreline clean-up

An oil spill is never good news but it’s on the occasions when it reaches the coast that it has potentially the greatest environmental and economic impact. Here we look at shoreline clean-up. The…

SELENDANG AYU, United States, 2004

SELENDANG AYU, United States, 2004

On 7th December 2004, the Malysian bulk carrier SELENDANG AYU suffered engine failure whilst en-route from Seattle, USA to Xiamen, the People's Republic of China, and ran aground off Skan Bay in…

Arctic Oil and Gas Week, Moscow, Russia, 1-3 October 2014

ITOPF will be participating in Arctic Oil and Gas Week

INTERSPILL 2015, Amsterdam, 24-26 March 2015

ITOPF is presenting a number of papers and chairing sessions at this event - event report

Ice Class Vessels Conference, Seoul, South Korea, 27 -30 October 2014

Richard Johnson will be attending this conference aimed at identifying business opportunities for the arctic shipping industry while addressing the technical, operational and commercial challenges…